Ayurveda in India

Ayurveda, a 5000-year-old traditional medicine system, derived its name from two Sanskrit words, Ayur (means life) and Veda (means knowledge or science). Since its inception, Ayurveda has treated, and continues to do so, even the most life-threatening diseases such as cancer. This Hindu medical system in inspired by the elements of nature and thus doesn’t lead to any side-effects.  Roots of Chinese and Tibetan system of medicines are found in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda isn’t merely about medicine; it focuses on treating and eradicating the problem right from the root cause of it, by taking account of diet, lifestyle, routine, exercise and circumstances of a patient.  It works on the principle of not only treating and curing the main disease but completely the root cause from your body. Ayurveda in India keeps its focus purifying the mind, body and soul.

Today, Ayurveda has been adopted as a crucial part of lifestyle and treatment all around the world. Since this miraculous system was born in India, it is apparent that one gets world’s best Ayurvedic treatment here in this country. Spas in India are mostly inspired from Ayurveda and use its techniques and principles to rejuvenate or treat. Whether you are seeking to brighten your skin or looking for a cure for your joint pains, these spas serve as saviors. Indian Ayuerveda puts into use only natural ingredients such as roots, leaves, fruits, herbs, bark and seeds to make their oils and pastes.

The décor and ambience of Spa and Resorts of India are soothing and elegant, complementing the theme of Ayurveda. The treatment isn’t confined to massages; it is made effective by laying focus on diet and workout regime of the guest. A stay of at least a week in these spa and resorts is recommended if you want to witness a new life unfold in front of you. People from all over the world visit India for Ayurveda treatments and therapies. Generally the best time for Ayurveda treatment in India is between June and September but such therapies and treatments are offered all round the year.

Kerala is acclaimed all over the world for its Ayurvedic treatments and massages, other than its placid backwaters. However, a cut-throat competition is given by many other spa and resorts of India such as at destinations like Uttarakhand and Goa.

Some of the best luxury Ayurveda spa and resorts in India are- Somatheeram Ayuerveda Resort (Kerala), Kaya Kalp- The Royal Spa (Agra), Ananda in the Himalayas (Rishikesh), Windflower Hall Spa (Shimla), The Leela (Udaipur) Maya Spa (Kumarakom), Taj Lake Palace Jiva Spa (Udaipur), Devaaya Nature Center (Goa), Sereno Spa (Goa), Amatrra Spa (New Delhi), Taj Malabar Jiva Spa (Cochin), Amarvilas Spa (Agra) and Quan Spa (Mumbai), Kairali Health Village (Kerala) among many others. 

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